Fear, resistance, skills shortages threaten SA’s 4IR progress
Friday 17 January, 2020 – 10:19
While the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) presents a wealth of opportunities for SA, factors such as a lack of high-end skills and widespread fear of job losses could hamper progress. The 4IR could create new jobs and business opportunities. However, seizing the opportunities would require new approaches to education and workplace skills development. Avsharn Bachoo notes the 4IR is not a once-off event, or a one-size-fits-all fix. “It’s a social transformation process sustained over time involving diverse stakeholders. 4IR has to connect the global digital revolution to SA’s specific socio-economic priorities.”
He believes this has to be driven by partnerships across government, business and ordinary South Africans through leadership, innovation and learning. “Very importantly, 4IR technologies like robotics, AI [artificial intelligence] and IOT [Internet of things] are interdependent. In order for them to thrive, 4IR needs an ecosystem of technical infrastructure like fibre, system development skills, local ICT support as well as cyber governance and regulatory frameworks,” says Bachoo.
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