An Exploratory Analysis of HIV and AIDS Donor Funding in South Africa
Budget Briefs, No. 155, 2005. Idasa.
Extract from the Paper
Funding of HIV and AIDS interventions has been increasing over the years, both in the public sector and in donor assistance. Donor funding for HIV and AIDS in South Africa is channelled through bilateral aid to government departments and direct funding to NGOs from international aid agencies. However, funding to NGOs is particularly difficult to track because there is no centralised reporting mechanism in place for all international aid to the NGO sector.
To monitor donor financial commitments for HIV and AIDS in South Africa, the national Department of Health (DOH), through funding from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Theme Group on HIV and AIDS (UNTG), has developed a database referred to as a ‘Donor Matrix’. The Donor Matrix is aimed at monitoring donor funding for health services by listing donor funds in a form of commitments, disbursements, objectives, activities and implementing bodies. However it is difficult to compare donor efforts against government initiatives since donor information is based on financial commitments, not actual allocations or disbursements, and is often reported over multiple years.
To read the paper, click here.
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